
The Alpha Phi Foundation’s mission is the help advance women’s lives through the power of philanthropy.
The Alpha Phi Foundation does this through five vital programs. Alpha Phis are given numerous opportunities to experience innovative leadership training and programming. They can be awarded life changing scholarships and members in need can be assisted through the Forget Me Not Grant Fund. Alpha Phi invests in the advancement of women’s heart health and we celebrate all the amazing women who shaped Alpha Phi by preserving our heritage.
Red Dress Gala is Alpha Phi's annual auction and silent auction event held each spring semester. Family, friends, alumnae join us for a evening of food, drink and fun at a venue in West Lafayette.
Our Red Dress Gala 2024 was a huge success! It was held at the Purdue Memorial Union. We enjoyed a silent auction, nice meal, and a presentation on heart health by one of our amazing sisters. We are so happy to say we raised $15,673 for Women's Heart Health and the Alpha Phi Foundation this year.

Chick-fil-Aphi is an annual event where we sell tickets around Purdue's campus and then serve Chick-fil-A nuggets, waffle fries and mac & cheese at our chapter house! Guests not only get good food, but also get to walk through the Alpha Phi House! This event is special as it gathers different parts of our Purdue community. All the money goes towards the Alpha Phi Foundation.

Mr. Heartthrob
Mr. Heartthrob is Alpha Phi's annual male talent show! An appointed contestant from several​ houses in FSCL may choose to compete for a donation to their philanthropy! The competition includes a trivia portion, runway walks, and a talent showcase. This event is truly special to us as it gives the opportunity to do something with the rest of the FSCL community.